Thursday, February 26, 2015

February 23, 2015 - Hello All!

Fam bam! We are a little late getting to the Internet place cause my comp got an hour long haircut. Ah this Dominican guy really wanted to make a masterpiece. It looks good though!
All is well. First off we had a baptism for Anyeudy. It all worked out. His mom came and she said that she wants to be baptized. For the rain not many people showed up. Just his family and one other and then two people from the bishopric. That was too bad but all is well. I ended up doing the ordinance because no one could come. It was an honor and went well. I am happy for him. We hope that his mom can get married and his parents can get serious about the gospel as well!
Uh we didn´t have a lot of investigators at church but all is well. we are still working with some couples so they can get the desire more and what not. I hope and pray they will progress. I am grateful for all the people we are teaching and I love them a lot"! I hope they can keep going!
We had the interviews with Pres.. It went well. We usually have them every 3 or 4 months! I got the package! Wahoo thanks a ton! Delicious stuff, though I have had a stomach ache this weekend. Ah the DR.
I really enjoyed a scripture in 2 Nephi 10 23 to 25. It talks about accepting the will of God and how his Grace is sufficient to save us. I enjoyed it a lot and know the atonement is for all of us!
There has been a lot of rain lately. Ah it is not so fun preaching in the rain but part of life here. I need to get a better umbrella as my Wal-Mart one is pretty much done. Still does the job for now, with a little tape and coercing!
W o W is timón which means rudder. Reminds me of Timón and Pumba from Lion King! hehe

So we were contacting one day and I saw something in the bucket with whiskers and it looked disgusting at first glance. Then we saw it and it was a huge cat fish, looking all disgusting. Then he peeled it while we were talking to his family and the neighbors. Ah kinda gross but funny. Perks of the DR experiences! The people here are great. A little crazy but awesome!
Tell Theo happy birthday please!
Well that is all I believe. Love you all tons!


Elder Chez Green

February 16, 2015 - Wahoo!

Ey my lovely family I hope all is well! I learned a lot of words this week because I was on an exchange with an Elder from Honduras named E. Sauceda. He is a cool guy. I learned that remolacha means beat. That is the word of the week!

I went to his area in San Isidro and it was fun, though I got wet which didn't help my cold. I still have a lingering cough, but so do a lot of people in the DR right now. Not fun but oh well. Monday night we watched the restoration movie (20 minute one) with some investigators and then ate some dumplings with cheese and ground beef. Dumplings are like flour and some other stuff mixed up and boiled. Very delicious! The family was fun to be with but they didn't come to church. The dad is very busy and travels a lot for work. He has nice facial hair and reminds me a little bit of dad just his personality and what not. A cool guy we are trying to help but I think he will be going to Columbia for a while sadly. Tough stuff.

We have contacted some new families which has been fun. An older family listened to us and we started teaching a little about the basics of the church. I hope they can progress and truly learn more about the gospel. I am grateful for my comp too and his help. He is getting more involved in the lessons little by little. Mom asked about his Spanish and it is coming along. A process for sure but getting better each day.

I got a letter from Aunt Theo so thank her! A cute lady!

Anyeudy still has his baptismal date for this Saturday but he wasn´t able to make it to church sadly. That was kind of tough. We will see how it turns out. A good kid but he is only 13 so I am not sure. I hope he can be strong in the gospel and active! We will do our best to help him. I believe he had a sickness or something so that may be why. We will see.

Last night was the ward council and it was good. Long but good. We got some good little fried flour things with meat in them after too. We were going to do a missionary week with the ward but our ward mission leader is in the military so he is working a lot this month (it is the independence month here) so it is postponed to March now.

hmm what else. Valentines day was full of drinking here but we were fine. Appointments fell through but we did get to teach people still and it worked out alright. I do like that here it is the day of Friendship and Love, not just love like it is in the States usually!

Awesome the Utah Utes are doing well. They have a tough schedule to finish out but I hope they do well! Glad we have the RSL seats again! Can´t wait to go!

Today we bought pizza, cleaned the house I got a little nap and a rest in the house. Now we are emailing. After we will visit Hno Wilkins. I am helping him learn English so I dedicate about 30 min each Pday talking to him. He is a great guy and the service is why we are here so it is good! There is a member who leaves for his mission soon so we are going to do a family night with him and his mom too!

hmm well not much else to say really. Life is well. I sent some good pictures you gotta check out. I hope all is going well. I love you all! Tell the Goddard´s hi for me please as mom mentioned they sad hello. And to everyone else as well!

We have interviews with Pres. Corbitt this week so those should go well I hope.

I think that is all. Love you tons!

Elder Chez Green

Friday, February 13, 2015

February 9, 2015 - Hello All

Well it has been a fine week here. I am happy. I got a little sick because it rained a lot last weekend. Just a bit of congestion and coughing but I am feeling better finally. I got a blessing which helped a lot and all is well now.

So I hope all is well for everyone out in their respective places! I love you all so much! Mom asked about my typical day so I am going to explain a little bit.

We get up at 6:30 and I am usually lazy and write in my journal. Sometime exercise but it´s hard to get motivated so early. Then reading early and making breakfast. 8 am study time, then 9 am comp study. We go until 11 am because my comp is in his training so he gets 2 hours instead of the usual 1 hour. Then we leave to either appointments or contacting people. We try to talk to people on the way as well to get more investigators. The sun is super hot in the morning and sometimes we walk 20 to 30 min for appointments. Then we work until a little before 1 when we buy any supplies needed at little colmados (shops) like veggies and cook at 1. Then language study at 2 pm. He usually studies by himself and I try to read in Spanish books. Also little 10 min naps are sometimes taken to give me energy ha ha. Then we leave at 3 pm we usually have appointments but sometimes we contact people as well. In a normal day we teach anywhere from 9 or 10 to 4 or 5 lessons. Investigators, less actives, recent converts, etc. We arrive home around 9 or 9:30 to plan and shower and make something small to eat (if we have energy). Then sleeping at 10:30 ish. That's the day really! We tract (contact) whenever there is down time really. Hope that helps.

Today we cleaned the house and then we went to the mall. My comp loves eating fast food. A little obsessed ha ha but its great. I ate taco bell and a chinola (passion fruit) shake. Then we printed photos.

Hmm what else. We are working hard. There is a 13 year old who is named Anyeudy. He has a date for the 21st. Almost was baptized before and now he should make the 21st. His mom came to church for the first time in forever and said she enjoyed it and wants to keep coming. 

Another woman came to church named Marina. Her daughter is a member. We are working with them and hoping that the family will progress! All is well. Trying to find a lot more investigators and people that are interested!

Not much else is going on really. We ate at this good place with yaroa. Which is cheese fries with shredded chicken. Super yummy! Also strawberry shakes. reminds me of how grandma always made them by her pool and we ate chips and pb and j´s!

I have been slacking on Word of the Week - incuesta means survey. I took one because we went to the capital on Friday for a capacitation for me and E. Frampton. Went well. Saw some buddies. especially E. Valencia. He is doing well. He goes home this transfer sadly but I love that guy!

Funny story. My comp wanted to throw a baseball with some kids so he grabbed the ball (it was plastic but a little hard) and with his shoulder bag on, he attempted to throw it. Well he was way off and ended up hitting a lady. It was pretty bad but it just bounced off. No injury but the lady was upset. Ah funny after the fact but sad. He also almost face planted it trying to do a Karl Malone lay up. Ah my comp... great guy!

Hmm what else. Not much. We are always trying to be better each day! My comp eats out of control sometimes ha ha. I am doing better at controlling my appetite.

Well all is well. I love you tons! Be safe!


Elder Chez Green

Sunday, February 8, 2015

February 2, 2015 - Hello Lovely Fam!

I hope all is well. Crazy awesome you got to see Jay and talk to him! Way cool!

So we had Yoscar´s baptism this Friday. It was raining off and on but we held it. A lot of male members showed up but not much other support from the ward but it turned out pretty good. Not many investigators showed up to the baptism but all is well. We are working to find more people ready to progress and advance in the gospel. Our Mission Pres. wants us to get more and more people progressing and has a goal of 15 to 20 investigators progressing each week. We are going to have to work even harder now.
The Caribbean conference went well. Elder Anderson of the 2nd quorum of the seventy talked. He did a great job, and did it all in Spanish. He talked on faith. Then Bonnie Oscarson spoke in English and it was translated. Then Elder Holland spoke. He started in Spanish and it was awesome. Pretty good. Then he spoke and they translated for him. His talk was good. He bore his testimony in Spanish. After Elder Packer spoke and started in Spanish as well, then changed to English. He made a funny joke about computers not being around when he was a kid. And talked about using the delete key to delete bad thoughts in our minds. It was great. We had some investigators show up. Not too many though. More rain... The sound also wasn't working very well but it turned out okay in the end.

On Thursday we went to the temple. That was cool and we taught Hna Carmen. She really felt the spirit of the temple. That was pretty great. She just isn't married and is having problems with that. But she felt the spirit. We pray she is doing well.

Well other than that I think all is well. Oh we got a new phone. Phew problem solved.

Today we played some bball! Pretty great! I love ward courts. I was doing pretty good for not having played much in over a year. Good stuff.

Crazy info about Utah bball and the super bowl, but good times. I am grateful for the updates.

Well I think that is all really. Be safe people. I will keep working hard. Feb. is upon us. Super crazy!

Well love you all!

Elder Chez Green

January 26, 2015 - Hello All!

I am staying with E. Frampton. Wahoo!

It has been a good week. Up and down but mostly up really. Yoscar passed his interview yesterday which is great news! We are happy that he is ready to go. The ward is working on helping him out and he is trying to find a job so we hope he can stay here for a good amount of time.
Today was just a rest day really. We went shopping and ate empanadas. I took a nice nap. It turns out I lost the phone though. Whoops, but oh well. Not much we can do really.
Crazy that Jay will be home on Wednesday. Give him my love for sure. I hope to hear from him a lot. He is a good guy!

So I hope the package I sent is on the way. We will see how long it takes. I sent it through the office.

So our area is going alright. We had 12 investigators at church which was awesome! I was happy about that. We got to see our work paying off really. Next week we have a Caribbean conference. Elder Packer and Holland are going to talk. I am excited for that!
We have just been working hard here. We got cool t-shirts and had our last district meeting this week. Not much else really went on. Our house is clean and I am happy. We had some problems so we couldn't work as much as possible. One day we had to do some stuff for the mission office and couldn´t get a lesson in in the afternoon, but all is well. Really I am enjoying it. Not always easy but all is well!
Hmm what else. I don´t know really. Not much just trucking along. Be safe everyone and have a great day! Thanks for all the support!


Elder Chez Green