Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 10, 2014 - Hola!

Hey family!

Well all is well here in the DR. Another week of working hard and hitting the pavement a lot! We have been doing a lot of contacting and have some investigators that we have found through the ward´s help and our own work which is nice. They have potential but we will see how it goes. There is a family of about 10 we have started teaching that have come to church a couple times but they missed this week. It is awesome to teach them and the kids are really smart. One 6 yr old girl always answers the questions and gets them right! It is so awesome to see and I enjoy it. My comp is doing well. Still adjusting I believe and I am trying to go easy on him while still going hard on him. If that makes sense. He needs to learn and be immersed but not to the point of getting over stressed or shutting off. I do almost all of the teaching because he doesn´t understand much and can´t say a ton. He has a good testimony and can pray in Spanish so that is nice. Little by little!
The ward here is pretty good. We have an awesome bishop who showed us around the area a couple times. That was helpful and enjoyable. This area is a maze and I get lost almost everyday, which is hard being the trainer and not knowing where you are going. It works though. We get around! And I can truly see the Lord´s hand in the work as he has helped us a lot these first weeks. The ward on records has 475 members but there are about 150 actives. So we have a lot of less actives to work with. We found a 19 yr old and put a goal with him to read the Book of Mormon. I am excited for that and I hope he starts on it! The members here are super nice too and have showed us around a little. On Sunday we got permission to eat at a members house who we are going to pay. Before us, she made the Elder´s food every Sunday so I think we will do the same. Just on Sunday´s though. We will see.
So I forgot word of the week last week though it is obvious! It is sobrino which means nephew! And this week the word of the week is Temporada which means season (especially for sports) because I heard RSL won! Wahoo good news there! The world cup is coming up quick and I am just thinking a lot of sports right now! But keep it up RSL!
We had pizza this week at a pizza place that is by our house. They also have donuts and it was 2.50 for 2 pizza slices a drink and a donut. Good deal. I think we will go eat there right now too! I feel like I am back in the States a little bit when I am there! Being in the capital is super different from where I was before. It is interesting but good. I am learning how to adapt to the changes and the difference of culture but it is nothing bad. I enjoy it!
Dad´s travel schedule sounds crazy! Good luck with that and be safe! I love all the pictures of Baby Connor thank you. Can´t believe I am an Uncle! I am glad all is going well! I love the photos of Connor with the cars! I can open attachments usually yes.
I like living with 2 missionaries better. 4 makes the house dirtier and then people don´t want to clean up their messes. I am learning patience that is for sure!
E. Turketo´s mom is from Hawaii and his dad from NZ but original his family is from Croatia I believe. He lives right by the temple in NZ! Go Kiwis! I don´t know where the west Mission office is sadly.

Well that is all. Be safe all of you out there and I am sending my love to all family and friends! Lots of love!


Elder Chez Green

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